Find a Scanner in the Library
Last updated: Feb 26, 2025
The Library offers several types of scanners throughout Geisel Library's 1st and 2nd Floors and 2 book scanners at the WongAvery Library during designated hours. Book scanners allow for quick, high-quality scans of all kinds of materials, including books and magazines, without damaging the items. Self-service scanning in the Library is free.
Book Scanners
Book scanners allow quick, high-quality scans of all kinds of materials, including books and magazines, without damaging the items.
KIC Click Mini book scanners are available at Geisel in the Service Hub, 2 East, and 1 East, and at the WongAvery Library near the entrance. The ClickMini captures nearly 20 book pages per minute and captures up to 22 x16 inch books and materials at a resolution of 300dpi.
Automatic document feeder (ADF) attachments are available on the 2 East (Geisel) machine and at WongAvery.
2 West at Geisel also has a Bookeye Scanner which provides higher quality scans and structural support for materials during scanning. The Bookeye can capture 20 book pages per minute, supports both v-cradle and flat modes, and can scan material as large as 24 x 17 inches.
Instructional videos are available on the scanner user interface. If you need more help, please look for a QR code to scan and text for the Help Now service.
Flatbed Scanners
Flatbed scanners require Active Directory (SSO) login. It is suitable for loose documents, and photographs are available in 2 East (Epson V600) in the Digital Media Lab at Geisel.
Slide/Negatives Scanning
Digital Media Lab (DML) has carrier trays for scanning 35mm negatives and slides using the flat bed scanners nearby for UC San Diego faculty, staff, and students.
More information about scanning in the Library can be found on the Print & Scan page.
UC San Diego Library cardholders can request scans of selections from most of the Library’s print collection free of charge. We’ll scan library materials for you and send you a digital copy. Learn how to place a scanning request.
Read and adhere to UC San Diego Library’s Copyright Policy for reproduction and use of copyrighted material.
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