Learn About Electronic Access to Library Resources for Guests

Last updated: Jun 28, 2024

Due to publisher and copyright restrictions, the UC San Diego Library cannot provide or sell remote electronic library resource access to guests, including UC alumni. Read more below about other access options.

Our licenses with publishers only allow remote access for current UC San Diego students, faculty, and staff; we cannot provide or sell remote electronic library resource access to guests, including UC alumni. Guests are welcome to access most of our electronic resources from a library computer when visiting a library building as long as it is for personal or educational use. Please note that some electronic resources are further restricted and not available to guests. See Appropriate Use of Licensed Electronic Information Resources for additional information on license restrictions.

There are alternative ways to locate and access electronic library resources. 

Open Access and Free Research Articles, Databases

Your Local Public Library

You may access online resources (newspapers, article databases, e-books, audio books and more) licensed by California public library systems such as San Diego Public Library (SDPL) and San Diego County Library (SDCL). Many public libraries provide interlibrary loan. See https://ucsd.libguides.com/newspapers/area-public-libraries for links to San Diego area public libraries.

Your Current Workplace Library or Information Center

Check to see if they can get you articles using interlibrary loan or document delivery. If your workplace has no library or information services, Wisconsin TechSearch has fee-based database searching and article delivery services.